Previous study suggested that low body weight was one of the risk factors of thrombocytopenia\ninduced by linezolid in non-hemodialysis patients. However, there have\nbeen little investigations for the linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia in hemodialysis\npatients. This study was to evaluate the association between several factors of body\nsize descriptors and thrombocytopenia in hemodialysis-patients. No factor of body\nsize descriptors showed significant correlation with linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia\n(patients with thrombocytopenia vs patients without thrombocytopenia: body\nweight; 60.0 kg vs 55.3 kg, p = 0.82: body mass indices; 21.1 kg/m2 vs 21.2 mg/m2, p =\n0.44: ideal body weight; 61.2 kg vs 59.5 kg, p = 0.21: lean body weight; 50.1 kg vs 45.7\nkg, p = 0.64: dosage amount; 20.0 mg/kg vs 21.7 mg/kg, p = 0.74: body surface area;\n1.65 m2 vs 1.54 m2, p = 0.43). There were not significant differences in the body size\ndescriptors between linezolid therapy for more than 14 days and for less than 13 days\n(more than 14 days vs less than 13 days: body weight; 53.5 kg vs 56.8 kg, p = 0.75:\nbody mass indices; 20.9 kg/m2 vs 21.1 mg/m2, p = 0.47: ideal body weight; 60.3 kg vs\n59.9 kg, p = 0.17: lean body weight; 44.3 kg vs 47.7 kg, p = 0.56: dosage amount; 22.4\nmg/kg vs 21.1 mg/kg, p = 0.67: body surface area; 1.51 m2 vs 1.59 m2, p = 0.37). Our\ndata suggested that dosage adjustment of linezolid based on body weight was not\nrecommended in hemodialysis-patients.